BTC to LTC Exchange - Convert Bitcoin to Litecoin |

BTC to LTC Exchange - Convert Bitcoin to Litecoin |
Icon currency take

Bitcoin BTC


Amount *

Min:  0.00328062


Max:  0.04913501

Icon currency give

Litecoin LTC

Rate: 1: 941.89452665

Amount *

Reserve:  26009.6

Icon currency take
Litecoin address *
Icon currency take

Today, the financial market has a sufficient number of exchange services offering cryptocurrency operations. The competition allows the user to find a reliable cryptocurrency exchanger with favorable transaction conditions quickly.

The strengths of the cryptocurrency exchanger: are the most favorable rate, low commission, complete security, and confidentiality of operations. And first of all - an extensive selection of options for withdrawing and buying cryptocurrency.

Live BTC to LTC Price

Exchange Bitcoin to Litecoin privately, securely, at the best rates, and without limits. Here you get these benefits and many more.

How to Convert BTC to LTC?

To convert your crypto coins, follow these steps:

  • mark cryptocurrencies for buying and selling;

  • specify the amount to buy or sell; the rest of the values will be provided automatically;

  • copy the address of the wallet you wish to receive funds;

  • make the required deposit to the wallet address provided by the site;

  • take funds;

  • download a receipt with transaction details.

Litecoin To Bitcoin Exchange Rates

The best exchange rates: after you provide the exchange details, our BTC to LTC online exchanger compares the BTC to LTC exchange conversion rate on many platforms and collects the best deal for each exchange.

BTC to LTC Price Calculator

Our BTC to LTC converter is updated in real-time and provides you with accurate data every time you use it to convert.

Convert Bitcoin To Litecoin at the Best Rates

Use the Litex exchange for lightning-fast currency conversions with a purely nominal fee. With us, you can exchange Bitcoin for Litecoin and vice versa; in addition to this pair, we offer at least 18 more bilateral directions with the most popular assets on the market.

If Bitcoin is rightfully considered "gold" in the world of cryptocurrencies, then Litecoin claims to be "silver." Its founder Charlie Lee claims that he did not set himself the goal of surpassing Bitcoin but wanted to create a flexible payment tool for widespread use. And he succeeded: transactions with Litecoin make up the lion's share of all exchanges, and in the world ranking of cryptocurrencies, the asset does not fall below 10th place. We offer a fast and inexpensive Bitcoin to Litecoin exchange service, allowing traders to use this popular coin in trading actively.

Litecoin is a limited-supply coin, which appreciates as scarcity increases. In addition, by getting from Bitcoin to Litecoin exchange (more information), which is slow in terms of transactions, users get a fast payment method that does not involve large fees.


Can I swap LTC for BTC?

The most convenient way to compare cryptocurrencies is between Bitcoin and Litecoin prices.

What is the limit for BTC to LTC exchange?

When you convert BTC to LTC, you choose the exchange amount yourself, as our platform does not set limits on the exchange.

How to sell LTC to BTC?

Swap Litecoin to Bitcoin privately, securely, at the best rates, and without limits.

What is the minimum BTC/LTC pair conversion amount?

The minimum and maximum transaction amounts will depend on the coin/pair. This information can be viewed before setting the transaction amount on Litex.

BTC to LTC Exchange